New Anole Literature

Alföldi, J., Di Palma F., Grabherr, M., Williams C., Kong L., Mauceli E., Russell P., Lowe C.B., Glor, R.E., Jaffe J.D., Ray D.A., Boissinot S., Shedlock A.M., Botka C., Castoe T.A., Colbourne J.K., Fujita M.K., Moreno, R.G., Hallers B.F.T., Haussler D., Heger A., Heiman D., Janes D.E., Johnson J., de Jong, P.J., Koriabine M.Y., Sanger T.J., Searle S., Smith J.D., Smith Z., Swofford R., Turner-Maier J., Wade J., Young S., Zadissa A., Edwards S.V., Glenn T.C., Schneider C.J., Losos J.B., Lander E.S., Breen M., Pontig C.P., Lindblad-Toh, K. 2011. The genome of the green anole lizard and a comparative analysis with birds and mammals. Nature 477: 587-591.

Andrés Velasco, J., Gutiérrez-Cárdenas, P.D.A., and A. Quintero-Angel. 2011. A new species of Anolis of the aequatorialis group (Squamata: Iguania) from the central Andes of Colombia. Herpetological Journal 20: 231-236.

Ávila, R.W., Cardoso, M.W., Oda, F.H., and R.J. Da Silva. 2011. Helminths from Lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) at the Cerrado of Goias State, Brazil. Comparative Parasitology 78: 120-128.

Ayala-Varela, F.P. and O. Torres-Carvajal. 2010. A new species of dactyloid anole (Iguanidae, Polychrotinae, Anolis) from the southeastern slopes of the Andes of Ecuador. ZooKeys 53:59-73.

Ayala-Varela. F.P. and J.A. Velasco. 2010. A new species of dactyloid anole (SQUAMATA: IGUANIDAE) from the western Andes of Ecuador. Zootaxa 2577:46-56.

Bock, B.C., Zapata, A.M., and V.P. Páez. 2010. Survivorship rates of adult Anolis mariarum (Squamata: Polychrotidae) in two populations with differing mean and asymptotic body sizes. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 50:43-50.

Cabrera-Guzman, E., and V.H. Reynoso. 2010. Use of sleeping perches by the lizard Anolis uniformis (Squamata: Polychrotidae) in the fragmented tropical rainforest at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 81: 921-924.

Chiu, P-K., Norval, G., Chu, H-P., and J-J. Mao. 2011. Two records of brown shrikes (Lanius cristatus Linnaeus, 1758) preying on brown anoles (Anolis sagrei Duméril & Bibron, 1836) in Taiwan. Herpetology Notes 4:87-89.

Cohen, R.E., and J. Wade. 2011. Aromatase mRNA in the Brain of Adult Green Anole Lizards: Effects of Sex and Season. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 23: 254-260.

Cox, R.M., and R. Calsbeek. 2011. An experimental test for alternative reproductive strategies underlying a female-limited polymorphism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 343-353.

Cox, R.M., M.C. Duryea, M. Najarro, and R. Calsbeek. 2011. Paternal Condition Drives Progeny Sex-Ratio Bias in a Lizard That Lacks Parental Care. Evolution 65: 220-230.

DaCosta-Cottam, M., Godbeer, K.D., and T. Austin. 2010. Knight Anoles (Anolis equestris) on Grand Cayman Island. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 17:122.

Domínguez, M., Sanz, A., Chavez, J., and N. Almaguer. 2010. Cyclical Reproduction in Females of the Cuban Lizard Anolis lucius (Polychrotidae). Herpetologica 66:443-450.

Eifler, D.A. and M.A. Eifler. 2010. Use of Habitat by the Semiaquatic Lizard, Norops Aquaticus.Southwestern Naturalist 55:466-469.

Fläschendräger, A. 2010. Cuban Brown Anoles (Anolis sagrei) in St. Maarten. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 17:121-122.

García-Padilla, E., and H. Luna-Alcántara. 2011. Imantodes cenchoa (Blunt-headed Treesnake). Herpetological Review 42: 4-5.

Gunderson, A.R., Siegel, J., and M. Leal. 2011. Tests of the contribution of acclimation to geographic variation in water loss rates of the West Indian lizard Anolis cristatellus. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology DOI 10.1007/s00360-011-0576-0.

Hahn, M. and G. Kohler. 2010. Morphological variation in Anolis cristatellus.  Salamandra 46(2):117-120.

Herrel, A., DaCosta Cottam, M., Godbeer, K., Sanger, T., and J.B. Losos. 2011. An ecomorphological analysis of native and introduced populations of the endemic lizard Anolis maynardi of the Cayman Islands. Breviora 522: 1-10.

Huang, B., Lubarsky, K., Teng, T., and D.T. Blumstein. 2011. Take only pictures, leave only…fear? The effects of photography on the West Indian anole Anolis cristatellus. Current Zoology 57: 77-82.

Janes. D.E., Chapus, C., Gondo, Y., Clayton, D.F., Sinha, S., Blatti, C.A., Organ, C.L., Fujita, M.K., Balakrishnan, C.N., S.V. Edwards. 2011. Reptiles and Mammals Have Differentially Retained Long Conserved Noncoding Sequences from the Amniote Ancestor. Genome Biology and Evolution 3: 102-113.

Johnson, M.A. and J. Wade. 2010. Behavioural display systems across nine Anolis lizard species: sexual dimorphisms in structure and function. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 277(1688):1711-1719

Johnson, M.A., Caton, J.L., Cohen, R.E., Vandecar, J.R. and J. Wade. 2010. The Burden of Motherhood: The Effect of Reproductive Load on Female Lizard Locomotor, Foraging, and Social Behavior. Ethology 116, 1217-1225, doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2010.01840.x.

Karube, H. 2010. Endemic insects in the Ogasawara Islands: Negative impacts of alien species and a potential mitigation strategy. Pages 133-137 in Kawakami K, Okochi I, eds. Restoring the Oceanic Island Ecosystem. Tokyo: Springer. Translated from the Japanese original, Karube, H., 2009. Global Environmental Research, 14:33–38. With permission of the Association of International Research Initiatives

Kessler, A.G.O. 2010. Status of the Culebra Island Giant Anole (Anolis roosevelti). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5:223-232.

Köhler, G. 2010. A revision of the Central American species related to Anolis pentaprion with the resurrection of A. beckeri and the description of a new species (Squamata: Polychrotidae). Zootaxa (2354):1-18

Köhler, G., Dehling, D.M., and J. Köhler. 2010. Cryptic species and hybridization in the Anolis polylepis complex, with the description of a new species from the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica (Squamata: Polychrotidae). Zootaxa 2718:23-38.

Kuo, C.Y., G.B. Gillis, and D.J. Irschick. 2011. Loading effects on jump performance in green anole lizards, Anolis carolinensis. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 2073-2079.

Lattanzio, M. 2009. Escape tactic plasticity of two sympatric Norops (Beta Anolis) species in Northeast Costa Rica. Amph.-Rept. (30): 1-6.

Leal, M. and B.J. Powell. 2011. Behavioural flexibility and problem-solving in a tropical lizard.  Biology letters doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0480

Losos, J.B. 2010. A Tale of two radiations: similarities and differences in the evolutionary diversification of Darwin’s finches and Greater Antillean Anolis lizards.  Pp. 309-331 in P.R. Grant and B.R. Grant, Eds., In search of the Causes of Evolution. From Field Observations to Mechanisms. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ.

Losos, J.B. and R.M. Pringle. 2011. Competition, predation and natural selection in island lizards. Nature 475: E1-2.

Lotzkat, S., Kohler, J., Hertz, A., and G. Kohler. 2010. Morphology and colouration of male Anolis datzorum (Squamata: Polychrotidae). Salamandra 46(1):48-52.

McTaggart, A.L., D.T. Quinn, J.S. Parmerlee Jr., R.W. Henderson, and R. Powell. 2011. A rapid assessment of reptilian diversity on Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. South American Journal of Herpetology 6: 59-64.

Mahler, D.L. and R.E. Glor. 2011. Natural History Note: Anolis cybotes cybotes (Hispaniolan Stout Anole) and Anolis marron (Jacmel Gracile Anole). Predation/Prey. Herpetological Review 42: 272-273.

Montgomery, C.E., Griffith Rodriguez, E.J., Ross, H.L., and K.R. Lips. 2011. Communal Nesting in the Anoline Lizard Norops lionotus (Polychrotidae) in Central Panama.  The Southwestern Naturalist 56:83-88.

Norval, G., P-K. Chiu, H-P. Chu, and J-J. Mao. 2011. An instance of predation on a brown anole (Anolis sagrei Dumeril & Bibron, 1837) by a Malay night heron (Gorsachius melanolophus Swinhoe, 1865). Herpetology Notes 4:005-007.

Norval, G., W.-F. Hsiao, C.-C. Lin, S.-C. Huang. 2011. Ambushing the supply line: a report on Anolis sagrei predation on ants in Chiayi County, Taiwan. Russian Journal of Herpetology 18: 39-46.

Norval, G., W.-F. Hsiao, S.-C. Huang, and C.-K. Chen. 2010. The diet of an introduced lizard species, the brown anole (Anolis sagrei), in Chiayi Country, Taiwan. Russian Journal of Herpetology 17:131-138.

Norval, G., J.-J. Mao, C.R. Bursey, and S.R. Goldberg. 2009. A deformed hind limb of an invasive free-living brown anole (Anolis sagrei Duméril & Bibron, 1837) from Hualien City, Taiwan. Herpetology Notes 2:219-221.

Okochi, I., Yoshimura, M., Abe, T., and H. Suzuki. 2006. High population densities of an exotic lizard, Anolis carolinensis and its possible role as a pollinator in the Ogasawara Islands. Bulletin of FFPRI 5: 265-269. PDF

Paemelaere, E.A.D., Guyer, C. and F.S. Dobson. 2011. A phylogenetic framework for the evolution of female polymorphism in anoles.  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104: 303-317.

Pallus, A.C., Fleishman, L.J., and P.M. Castonguay. 2010. Modeling and measuring the visual detection of ecologically relevant motion by an Anolis lizard.  Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 196(1):1-13

Partan, S.R., Otovic, P., Price, V.L., and S.E. Brown. 2011. Assessing display variability in wild brown anoles (Anolis sagrei) using a mechanical lizard model. Current Zoology 57: 140-152. PDF

Piovia-Scott, J., D.A. Spiller, and T.W. Schoener. 2011. Effects of experimental seaweed deposition on lizard and ant predation in an island food web. Science 331: 461-463.

Rabosky, D.L. and R.E. Glor. 2010. Equilibrium speciation dynamics in a model adaptive radiation of island lizards. PNAS 107: 22178-22183.

Ray, J.M., A. Hein, A. Gonzalez, S. Goetz, and M. Miller. 2011. Imantodes cenchoa (Blunt-headed Treesnake). Herpetological Review 42: 5.

Rodriguez-Robles, J.A., Jezkova, T., and M. Leal. 2010. Climatic stability and genetic divergence in the tropical insular lizard Anolis krugi, the Puerto Rican ‘Lagartijo Jardinero de la Montana’. Molecular Ecology 19(9):1860-1876.

Simon, V.B. 2011. Communication Signal Rates Predict Interaction Outcome in the Brown Anole Lizard, Anolis sagrei. Copeia 2011 (1): 38-45.

Spiller, D.A., J. Piovia-Scott, A.N. Wright, L.H. Yang, G. Takimoto, T.W. Schoener, and T. Iwata. 2010. Marine subsidies have multiple effects on coastal food webs. Ecology 91: 1424-1434.

Steffen, J.E., Hill, G.E., and C. Guyer. 2010. Carotenoid Access, Nutritional Stress, and the Dewlap Color of Male Brown Anoles. Copeia (2):239-246.

Storz, J.F., F.G. Hoffmann, J.C. Opazo, T.J. Sanger, and H. Moriyama. 2011. Developmental regulation of hemoglobin synthesis in the green anole lizard Anolis carolinensis. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:575-581.

Tapley, B., Griffiths, R.A., and I. Bride. 2011. Dynamics of the trade in reptiles and amphibians within the United Kingdom over a ten-year period. Herpetological Journal 21:27-34.

Thorpe, R.S., Surget-Groba, Y., and H. Johansson. 2010. Genetic Tests for Ecological and Allopatric Speciation in Anoles on an Island Archipelago. PLoS Genetics 6(4):-.

Torres-Carvajal, O., Ayala, F., and A. Carvajal-Campos. 2010. Reptilia, Squamata, Iguanidae, Anolis heterodermus Dumeril, 1851: Distribution extension, first record for Ecuador and notes on color variation. Check List: Journal of species lists and distribution 6:189-190.

Wiens, J.J. 2011. The causes of species richness pattersn across space, time, and clades and the role of “ecological limits”. The Quarterly Review of Biology 86: 75-96.

Yánez-Muñoz, M.H., Urgilés, M.A., Altamirano, B.M., and S. SR Cáceresm. 2010.Redescripción de Anolis proboscis Peters & Orcés (Reptilia: Polychrotidae), con el descubrimiento de las hembras de la especie y comentarios sobre su distribución y taxonomía. Avances 2:In press.

Yoshimura, M., and I. Okochi. 2005. A decrease in endemic odonates in the Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Bulletin of FFPRI 4: 45-51. PDF

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